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How Long Does It Take To Recover From Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job, and this job improves the look of the whole facial appearance by making changes to the nose. This surgery is a prominent option for people who are not happy about their nose’s shapes and sizes. However, like every other surgery, rhinoplasty also takes some recovery time. Here we will discuss the recovery part after the nose job is done.

How Long Is Nose Job Recovery Time?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Every individual heals differently, and the amount of time it takes to recover from surgery also depends on the specific surgery performed. In general, however, most people take between two and four weeks to recover from rhinoplasty surgery. Keep in mind complete recovery takes up to 1 year.

During the first few days after surgery, it is common to experience bruising and swelling. Most of this will go down within the first week. It is also common to experience some pain and discomfort during this time. It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. Most people find that their energy levels return to normal within two weeks of surgery. Check out iranhealthagency for Rhinoplasty from world’s top surgeons.

Source: marlinmedicalassistance.com

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

One year is the average recovery time for rhinoplasty. Although it may seem like a lengthy period, it is much easier to manage when you break it down into a timeline. Although the exact recovery milestones will vary from one patient to another, they are generally similar.

1 Week: The splint is easily removed; one can return to work without any visible surgery signs unless there is any bruising. It may take up to 2 weeks for the problem to be resolved. You can resume your daily activities.

2 Weeks: In the second week, you will also feel reduced face swelling and bruising.

3-4 weeks: You can safely return to cardio activities like jogging and swimming.

6 Weeks – Your bones are strong, and you can continue resistance training such as weight lifting, wearing glasses, blowing your nose, and doing other activities.

3-6 Months: You will have an absence of numbness or abnormal nose sensation, nasal skin, and ears.

One year: The healing process has ended. All swelling should have ended completely, and your nose should now be entirely shaped.

Source: beautyuncovered.com

10 Tips To Speed Up The Rhinoplasty Recovery

Here are the crucial tips that will assist you in your recovery process and help keep it on the go.

1. Follow The Instructions Of Your Doctor

The best advice is to follow the instructions of your doctor and schedule follow-up appointments. Because they are the experts who completed the nose job process and knew about your case thoroughly, your surgeon will help you recover and recommend the proper medications.

Source: beautyuncovered.com

2. Be Aware Of Side Effects

You may experience side effects such as redness under your eyes or tiny bruising. It should disappear within two weeks. If it continues long, then do not delay contacting your rhinoplasty surgeon. You may feel some discomfort at first, but this should fade over the next few weeks. You should notify your doctor if you experience severe discomfort or pain that prevents you from returning to your normal activities.

3. Keep Your Head Up

It is essential to keep your head up straight for the first few weeks to prevent injury and blood flow. It suggests that you need to rest in a straight position for six weeks after surgery.

Source: beautyuncovered.com

4. Use Cold Compress To Reduce Swelling

It is recommended to use a cold compress on your forehead for the first two to three days after surgery to reduce swelling and redness. Do not apply the cold compress directly to your nose. This will cause it to become out of position. Instead, place it on the cheeks and do not touch your nose.

5. Maintain a Healthy Diet

It is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet while recovering from your nose surgeries. To help reduce swelling and speed up healing, you should eat nutritious meals rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, protein, calcium, as well as anti-inflammatory substances.

Source: go.shaklee.com

6. Do not blow your nose

Make sure that you do not blow your nose initially, six weeks after your rhinoplasty. In the first six weeks, you will experience lots of congestion from blockages in the nasal passage. Remember not to blow at any cost. Consult your surgeon to discuss using saline nasal sprays to clear the congestion and slime buildup. Also, avoid direct contact with your nose in the initial days after surgery, such as wearing sunglasses, face masks and scratching. A few days of post-surgery are very delicate, and you must care for it carefully; otherwise, you may have a severe injury.

7. Exercise Without Rigorousness

It takes approximately six weeks for your nose bone to heal after surgery, So it is recommended not to do strenuous workouts during this time period. Even seemingly harmless movements, such as lifting or stretching, can cause nasal swelling. Before you get back into your exercise routine, you should wait till the surgeon has permitted you to restart your exercise activities.

Source: health.digitpatrox.com

8. Stay Away From The Sun

After rhinoplasty, you should avoid your nose from direct exposure to the sun. Your nose will be more susceptible to sunburns in the months following the nose surgery. However, direct sunlight can cause scarring and swelling.

9. Avoid Smoke

It is essential to quit smoking before and after surgery. Tobacco products can reduce blood flow and make it harder for your body to recover from any injury.

Source: helpingmehear.com

10. Be patient!

All you need is to have patience. Indeed, you will get the best results from the nose job you desire. It just takes some time. Although these steps will make a year-long process faster, they will improve your experience after surgery.


The recovery process for rhinoplasty may seem complicated at first. Although the recovery process takes six weeks, you can get back to your routine in five to fourteen days. During the final four to five weeks of your recovery, you don’t have much to worry about other than maintaining your blood pressure as steady as possible.

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