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11 Essential Packing Tips For A Hassle-Free Move

No one ever said moving was easy, but with a little bit of preparation and organization, you can make the process smoother – and maybe even fun!

While we can’t guarantee the fun part, we can guarantee that if you follow these 11 essential packing tips – your move will go as smoothly as possible.

Source: anyvan.com

1. Get Rid Of What You Don’t Need

Going through your things and getting rid of what you no longer need or use is one of the best ways to streamline your move. Not only will it make packing easier, but it will also save you money on moving costs.

One of the best reasons to get rid of what you don’t need before moving is to save yourself time and hassle. The less you have to pack, haul, and unpack, the easier your move will be.

Another reason would be that you get a fresh start. By eliminating the things you don’t need, you create more room in your life for the stuff you actually do.

2. Start Early

The earlier you start packing, the less stressful the process will be. Begin by packing up items that you don’t use on a daily basis, such as out-of-season clothes or holiday decorations.

If you have the time, start packing a few weeks before your move. This will allow you to take your time and pack things properly, rather than rushing and doing a poor job. Two to three weeks prior to the move should be more than sufficient.

Source: nedrac.com

3. Create A Packing Plan

Having a packing plan will help you stay organized and on track. Make a list of everything that needs to be packed, and then create a schedule for when each task will be completed.

If you’re moving with family or friends, delegate tasks to each person. This will help ensure that everything gets done and that no one feels overwhelmed. And, if you’re hiring professional movers, you don’t have to worry about anything. They’ve done it more than a few times, so they’ll come up with a fool-proof plan on their own.

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4. Gather Your Supplies

Make sure you have all the packing supplies you need before you start packing. This includes boxes, bubble wrap, tape, and labels.

You may not realize this now, but this could very well be the most important aspect of your move. Without proper packing supplies, your belongings could get damaged or lost in the move. Investing in high-quality supplies will save you money and hassle in the long run.

Source: timeriteremovals.com.au

5. Pack One Room At A Time

Packing one room at a time will help you stay focused and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Once you’ve finished packing a room, seal the boxes and label them with the contents and the room in which they belong.

If you’re hiring professional movers, they will most likely do this for you. But if not, it’s important to take these precautions so that your belongings end up in the right place.

For the best results, start with the room that is least used, such as a guest bedroom, and work your way to the more frequently used rooms. Why? There’s less stuff to be packed. It’s that simple.

6. Protect Your Valuables

You need to protect your valuables when you move. This means that you should pack them up carefully and make sure they don’t get damaged.

Some items, such as jewellery, documents, and electronics should always be packed in separate boxes. This will help keep them secure and prevent possible damage from heavier items being packed on top of them.

When packing breakable items, wrap them carefully in bubble wrap or newspaper to prevent shattering. Finally, use plenty of extra padding, like packing foam. If you don’t have any, you can use pillows and blankets to further protect your valuables during the move.

Source: alliancemoving.com

7. Label Everything And Keep An Inventory List

Labelling your boxes is one of the most important packing tips. This will help you easily identify what is in each box, which will make unpacking so much easier. Just remember to label boxes on all sides to make them easy to find from any angle.

Furthermore, it’s important to keep track of all of your belongings when you move – especially expensive or fragile items. Create an inventory list to record what is in each box. This way, if anything gets lost or damaged during the move, you can use the list to help file a claim with your insurance company. That is where having an inventory list comes in handy.

8. Pack Heavier Items First

When packing your boxes, start by placing the heaviest items at the bottom and working your way up with lighter items. This helps prevent boxes from becoming too hard to carry, while also preventing lighter stuff from becoming smashed to bits.

Source: moving.tips

9. Don’t Overpack Your Boxes

It’s tempting to try and pack as much as possible into each box to save time and space – but this is a big mistake. Overpacking boxes makes them more difficult to carry and increases the risk of items falling out of the box and becoming damaged.

10. Stay Organized

We’ve already told you to keep an inventory of everything that has been packed so that no essential items get left behind or forgotten about amidst the chaos of moving day, but here’s another organizational tip.

Designate a “packing and storing” area in your home where all packed-up items can be kept until it’s time to load them into the moving truck. That is a brilliant organizational move. This will help ensure that nothing gets lost along the way.

Source: greatwhitemovers.net

11. Ask For Help

Moving can be very stressful, especially if you’re doing it alone. Asking your friends and family if they can help can make the process much hell of a lot easier.

If possible, try to get help from people who have moved before and know what they’re doing. They can offer valuable advice and assistance with tasks such as packing and transporting your items.

So, don’t hesitate to ask them for help with packing, lifting, and even transportation. And remember to thank them for their assistance with more than just a thank you!


By following these tips, you can ensure a hassle-free move that is as stress-free as possible. With a little planning and preparation, you can make your move go smoothly and efficiently.

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