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The Effectiveness of Biometrics in Student Education

Technology is overtaking our traditional way of life, making things easier for us. Colleges and universities are adopting biometrics technology to collect students’ data. This method is more accurate and easier for maintaining the records for the longest time. If the institutions invest in cloud storage and effective backup systems, they will have their data for hundreds of years to come. Paper records are limited in that they can get destroyed or lost, and also they need a lot of physical storage space.

Institutions of higher learning have been marred by cases of identity fraud where students pay other students or outsiders to attend lectures on their behalf and even sit exams for them. This misconduct is even more widespread with eLearning.

Institutions that have already put up biometrics systems can attest that it is effective. Following up on one student’s progress in a population spanning thousands is almost impossible unless you use an effective biometrics system. With the system in place, you will only need to filter the student’s basic information to access every other data about them.

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How can Learning Institutions Utilize Biometrics?

Source: europeanbusinessreview.com

To control access to the school

In the past, most learning institutions have had the challenge of controlling unauthorized access to the school premises. The unauthorized access poses a security challenge to both the students and staff.

Installing a biometric system is the ultimate solution to the security problem. It makes it easier to filter authorized persons from unauthorized persons. Registered students and staff members can access the institution through a fingerprint detector or access card. The rest will have to provide proof of identification and have their details recorded before accessing the institution.

To ease registration and payment of fees

The most stressful period for students is when they need to register for their units because of the paperwork involved. However, with the biometric system, data is captured during admission, and everything becomes automated, including course registration for the compulsory units. You will only be required to clock in with your credentials and authorize the registration.

The biometric system has ensured that learning institutions no longer need to maintain thousands of records in physical files. All the paperwork filed for each student is now reduced to data stored in the system.

Students use to access services within the school

Source: miateknoloji.com

Once a student is registered with the biometric system, they can use their credentials to access the school’s services. This includes meals, library services, and even shuttle services.

Initially, a student would have a meal card, a library card, a student Identification card, all as separate documents. The challenge with this manual system is the complexity of the student losing their card. It becomes difficult for them to access the school services until the card is replaced, and they will still need to pay extra for the replacement.

This is no longer the case with the introduction of biometrics. The institutions have installed biometric readers in all the necessary places, and the students are only required to swipe their cards or place their fingerprints. They will no longer need to walk around with multiple access cards, hence the possibility of losing it is minimal.

Class attendance register

We live in exciting times when attending college is not just about being present in a physical class. Because of the changing demands, most people are embracing eLearning to attain their credentials. Most scholars argue that learning and working online saves time that would otherwise be spent commuting to work or school. This is debatable, considering the level of productivity in the home environment could be lower than the school or office environment.

That is, however, beside the point. There is a higher possibility of skipping classes or logging into the system and digressing to other things when doing eLearning.

However, this challenge can be solved by the use of a biometrics system that has a facial detection feature. Once the student joins the class, the system records the time that they were physically present and the times that they take breaks.

A more advanced system can even determine whether the students are concentrating or they seem to be occupied by other activities.

To assess performance

Source: frost.com

It might be impossible to track their performance across all areas in a school environment with thousands of students. While it is easy to store and retrieve academic data, gauging on their extra-curricular performance has proven challenging.

Biometric systems ensure that everything that concerns the student is recorded. This includes the clubs and societies they are enrolled in and their sports. It makes it possible for the school to pick out the all-rounded students and award them accordingly.

To track indiscipline cases

Some students are serial offenders, and if they go undetected, they commit worse crimes. The Biometric system will ensure that any indiscipline case is recorded and the student is rated accordingly. The information can stay in the system for a specified period, and if they never get into trouble again, the record can be removed. If they keep being on the wrong side, they will be flagged, and the school administration will use that information to take appropriate action.

For those who commit more serious crimes, the information can be shared with other institutions to ensure they never get admission unless with clearance from the local authorities. That means that they have to go through some rehabilitation program to get accepted into any learning institution.

Despite all these applications of biometrics in learning institutions, there are still several questions that have been raised, mainly around the issue of data privacy for underage students. This concern has made some institutions go slow on implementing the biometric system of registration.

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