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3 Ways Asif Ali Gohar is Changing The Leather Industry

As you already know, veganism became extremely popular in the last couple of years, which is one of the main reasons why the demand for such products increased. Besides vegan food, beverages, cosmetic products, a lot of individuals opted for purchasing clothing that is animal-friendly, including leather that isn’t manufactured from animal skin.

A perfect example of this is Asif Ali Gohar, who was only fifteen when he first realized that consuming meat and other animal-derived goods isn’t for him. His curiosity in veganism slowly grew, which is why he started researching alternatives to animal leather. This has led him to test out a few materials, all of which are quite similar to the real deal.

Source: kokietki.pl

Over the course of a couple of months, he successfully managed to generate a material that is capable of replicating the properties of real leather by using rice. This means that he actually managed to convert rice, which is highly available into leather, making it more eco- and animal-friendly.

So, how did he change the entire leather industry? What does his material have to offer that others don’t? Will he continue his research in order to develop more materials that can replace animal-based products? Here are three ways that Asif Ali Gohar is transforming the leather industry, as well as the benefits his new material could provide us with:

1. He Opted For Utilizing a Cheap, Yet Beneficial Material

Although a lot of companies create vegan leather and clothing, the companies most commonly choose to utilize quite costly materials, which, of course, causes the products to be pricey as well. However, since Asif opted for using rice, a product that is widely available all over the world, the items derived from his alternative material tend to be cheaper than all the other vegan-friendly goods that could be found available on the market.

According to timebusinessnews.com, by choosing to utilize rice as an alternative, will allow Gohar to deliver affordable prices to his consumers, thus, individuals can purchase goods that look and feel like real leather, but without the shocking price tag. Additionally, Asif comes from Pakistan – which is the capital of rice production – which means that he made sure that he stayed true to his roots, which leads us to the next point of this article…

2. He Isn’t Afraid of His Roots

Source: blondy.rs

As a relatively young entrepreneur, you would expect him to stay clear of his roots – as most young individuals do – however, Asif isn’t like this, Even though he relocated to Germany when he was 12, he stayed true to his origins, and explored all the benefits rice has to contribute to the world. Besides this, Pakistan is the 10th largest exporter of rice – with a production of over 8% of the whole rice trade – making it easy for him to obtain the materials he needs for his alternative and animal-friendly leather.

The availability of rice isn’t the only reason why Asif opted for using it, he also wishes to use the knowledge and crafts some of the finest rice producers have, and by doing so, he is sure that he’ll make high-quality vegan materials that would be available for everyone. Currently, he is looking for investors that’ll assist him with executing the incredible idea he has and that’ll enable him to get his product on the market.

3. Increasing Awareness

Another important way that Asif is changing the entire leather industry is that he is raising awareness of our environment. As mentioned, he opted for being vegan relatively early in his life, and today, he strives to increase the awareness of how using genuine leather can harm animals, as well as our environment. This, combined with everything else we’ve mentioned will help reduce the burden on our planet, as well as animals.

Are There Any Benefits of Using Alternatives?

Source: lovesaints.pl

Before we conclude this article, there are a few benefits revolving around leather alternatives that are worth mentioning, especially since these benefits could help you become more conscious about the use of cruelty-free materials and products. Hence, some of the main and most important benefits of using alternative materials to leather include the following things:

  1. The Tanning Process is Non-Toxic And Completely Safe – we already mentioned that the manufacturing of vegan leather won’t require real animal skin and materials, however, it’s also worth mentioning that it won’t require a drastic chemical treatment before the manufacturing process takes place, which means that it won’t harm our environment, as well as reduce how biodegradable a product is.
  2. Waterproof And Extremely Durable And Long-Lasting – no article on this topic would be complete without mentioning that vegan leather won’t be influenced by water. After all, it’s manufactured from a wide range of material mixtures, which is why, in most cases, they’re water-resistant. Besides this, the goods produced from it will retain their quality, meaning that they’re extremely durable as well.
  3. Cheaper Than The Real Thing is – I don’t know about all of you read this, but there were times when I was shocked by the price tags of some leather items. Yes, they’re incredibly popular and a fashion staple, however, not all of us have the budget for purchasing clothes from genuine leather and even if we did we might not want to spend so much on these products. But, vegan leather will provide you with the identical benefits – but for half the price!
  4. A Wide Range of Colors And Textures – last on our list is the fact that vegan leather clothing comes in more colors and textures than the real thing. After all, the tanning process won’t hinder the possibilities when it comes to these products, which is why you’ll be capable of choosing from hundreds of clothing options. This means that the material can easily be customized, which isn’t the case with genuine leather.


Source: morethanhip.com

Eco- and animal-friendly, affordable, and sustainable are only some of the benefits Asif Ali Gohar’s rice-manufactured leather can provide us with. Not only will it provide the world with all the aforementioned benefits, but, it’ll also help increase the awareness people have towards using vegan products.

Since you now know more about the new substitute for leather, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, you should open a new search tab, learn more about some other substitutes for the everyday items you consume and use, and from there, opt for purchasing vegan products that’ll help our environment.

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