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5 Tips for Temporarily Fixing Leaky Pipes From Professional Plumbers

The difference between a minor plumbing event and a catastrophic plumbing emergency lies in your initial responses. Just as you anticipate blackouts by having standby flashlights, so too should you prepare for plumbing emergencies like leaking water pipes. It helps to learn how to contain the plumbing issues until the professionals arrive. These band-aid-like measures help to prevent flooding, electrocution, gas leaks, and other disastrous outcomes.

Understanding your drainage pipes

Pipe leaks often assume different forms. Some leaks are characterized by tiny and intermittent drips, while others are full-blown leakage. Take the time to learn about the different parts and locations of the pipes. You learn the exact pipe location to seal with duct tape to manage the leaks. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the most common types of pipe leaks are:

1. Showerhead Leaks

Source: rootandvineblog.com

Leaky showerheads are a common problem in many households. The shower continues to drip water even after turning off the shower tap. This issue is often caused by a loose connection between the pipe system and the showerheads. You can easily fix this plumbing concern by using Teflon tape, available at the hardware store, to secure the loose joints. Alternatively, your showerhead’s washer is damaged, and if that is the case, it needs replacing.

2. Faucet Leaks

Source: plumbingdynamicsdallas.com

Dripping faucets are annoying. The constant dripping in the kitchen sink is enough to drive even the coolest person insane. Plus, the leaks drive the ballooning of your water bills. A temporary solution to this faucet leak involves replacing the aerator. This component can easily be accessed on the underbelly of the faucet and replaced using a wrench.

3. Outdoor leaks

Source: caldwellplumbing.ca

At first glance, outdoor leaks appear harmless. Upon further inspection, however, you will realize that they are just as bad as the faucet leaks. These leaks lead to minor outdoor flooding. Leaking water can slowly but progressively erode your home’s foundation. These spillages are common with sprinkler systems and irrigation systems. Use duct tape to temporarily seal the cracked outdoor pipes as you figure out a lasting solution.

4. Toilet Leaks

Source: preferredplumbing.ca

Toilets are notorious for leaking water onto the bathroom floors. Water spills from the flushing tank onto the floors. At times, extra water leaks down the drain even when no one has flushed the toilet. If left unresolved, this issue causes costly damage to the bathroom floors and walls. It also increases your water bill. To determine whether your toilet is leaking, drop a few drops of food coloring on your toilet tank. Leave it for 10 minutes. If you notice colors on your flashing bowl afterward, it is leaking. Try to seal any leaky joints before you get an emergency plumber from teamemergencyplumber.

Fixing Leaky Toilets Temporarily

Source: Parallel Plumbing & Gas

1. Using water pipe epoxies

Pipe epoxy is an excellent temporary solution for leaking pipes. This compound helps to hold the pipe together until the professional plumber arrives. Always ensure you have water pipe epoxy on standby at all times to deal with these plumbing emergencies.

2. Using pipe wraps

Pipe wraps are ideal for sealing off cracks and dents in leaky pipes. This product is readily available at all local convenience stores and hardware stores. The compound hardens to patch up the gaps causing the spillages. Before you apply any patches or wraps, you should wipe the leaky pipes dry. Patches and wraps do not stick well on wet surfaces.

Source: xunda-tape.en.made-in-china.com

3. Purchase a supply of Plumbing Repair Tape

It is a brilliant move to keep some plumbing tape around the home. This repair tape enables you to make quick and temporary patches on leaks before the plumber arrives. The repair tape gets wrapped around the damaged pipes to keep the leakage in check. This tape will only hold for a few days at most. Ensure that your plumber has repaired the pipes as soon as possible to prevent an escalation of the problem.

4. Invest in pipe clamps

The easiest way to control pipe leaks is by using pipe clamps. This tool allows you to secure any potentially loose joints causing spills. These clamps are a favorite tool of professional plumbers all over the world.

Source: en.lesso.com

5. Using pipe connectors

Pipe connectors are an excellent quick fix for damaged pipes spilling water. These connectors are ideal for spills arising from joints and those in the middle of the pipe. Homeowners have to research how to fit them properly for guaranteed results.


While the easier option would be to ignore the small pipe leaks, it is expensive. Repair any leaks as soon as they manifest to avoid worse plumbing disasters later. The longer you leave leaks unattended, the more you risk getting mold infections and floor and wall damage. If you notice any leaks, use the temporary fixes outlined here while you wait for your regular plumber to come over and complete the job.

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